Friday, 27 January 2017

An introduction...

Ah, the awkward second post. Much like trying to write the follow up to the first hit single, it can be difficult to ensure you write something of similarly excellent quality to that stellar opening post.

Except I don't have that problem, because my first post was a load of rambling nonsense really. So whatever I write today doesn't have to be particularly brilliant to be better, which takes some of that crushing pressure off. Good job really, because today's post is intended to be a bit more of an introduction to me, my way of letting you get to know who I am in some small sense, and these sorts of posts are always a bit self-indulgent and therefore a bit crap. Never mind.

So, what to tell you about myself? What to reveal, what to keep a closely guarded secret? Let's start off with my name. No, not my real name; that's going to remain one of those aforementioned secrets. Nope, I'm talking about my blog name, Travelling Man of Kent. This should immediately tell you 3 things about me:
  1. I do some amount of travelling
  2. I am a man
  3. I am from or live in Kent
See, this is going swimmingly, isn't it? But that's all surface information; let's delve a little deeper. Take for instance "Man of Kent" which, if you know your Kentish history, you'll know means I was born east of the River Medway (and if you didn't, well now you do). One could ask what sort of travelling I do, and I'd tell you I like trains, and walking, and any and all London transport (more on all of that at some point). You might even be aware of an obscure card game, which is where the "Travelling Man" comes from (my 1st year of university [another fact about me!{aren't embedded brackets fun}]).

Well I think that's quite enough to be getting on with for now; really, the best way to get to know me is to read this blog (wink wink nudge nudge).

P.S. Starting a project tomorrow, more later (maybe...)

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